

Every year around the beginning of October I get a faint gnawing sensation that I should be doing something. Something... halloweeny. As the days wear on, the clocks change and November approaches, the feeling grows until it's suddenly 30th October and I have 24 hours to create a halloween costume which bridges that ever elusive scary-sexy gap but, in it's entirety, costs no more than £10... Oh. Holy. Jesus. I'm sure we've all been there. And whilst I'm certain that there are people who pull this off with gracious aplomb, i'm sadly not one of them.

But this year I shall be a social pariah no more. I've given myself 5 whole days of prep. I've even bought a dress and special makeup. THAT'S how committed I am to avoid the usual Halloween humiliation. So if, like me, you're usually a tardy ill-prepared mess, here's a bit of Halloween inspiration to get you inspired. Before it's too late... 

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